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Man sick for 6 months healed by God

4 Mar , 2015,
Holy Fire Church
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I want to share a small testimony from yesterday at the village prayer meeting.
One man shared his testimony.  He was sick for 6 months, and the people thought he and his wife had HIV AIDS, and so no one came to see them.  One day, while he was coughing, one of the believers saw his sickness and so she bought him to our church.  We prayed for him strongly, and afterwards we took him to the hospital.  The doctor said he has no problem at all, God healed him completely.  Now he is doing good, glorifying God’s name.  Yesterday he shared this all while crying, and it made me cry.  He said “my parents and my relative wouldn’t see me when I got sick, yet God Himself healed me!  Glory to God”   -Abner

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