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Displaced, threatened, attacked – For Christ

3 Jun , 2015,
Holy Fire Church
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Abner has been displaced from his home/church/orphanage again, and moved to a small structure near a local river.

Abner was threatened by the local government at his new place, who gave him a few days to pack up and leave.  Abner fasted and prayed, waiting on God.

“When the government announced I must leave. I was not eating anything from then to now, and God showed me 3 different kinds of buildings in a dream: one is a church, one is an orphanage, and one a home for the elderly”

As Abner waited on God to save him, the government officials never came to remove him.

Unfortunately, other government authorities are now requiring Abner move within the next 7 months, as they are widening the river for a Hindu festival, which will displace Abner and his orphans.

“We are living here beside the Hindu temple where they will have a Hindu festival of the river this year. They are widening the river for the festival. They are supposed to give us a place to stay since they are moving us, but they will not help us because we are Christians. They will not give to a Christian.”

The government has been particularly cruel to Abner, dredging up and dumping a massive pile of mud up against the front of Abner’s home.

“Hello my dear brothers and sisters, the government has dug up the river mud and put it against my home and church.  They gave me 7 months only to stay here. Please pray for this”

Abner home

But God is active, and we know He will show up for Abner.

“God has given me visions, showing me preaching in a huge church with so many believers, and in Africa where there is no proper place to worship, and in America to people who have left the faith.  He showed me a building for the children to live in, and a vision that God opened the doors for my children’s home”

Please join in God’s work, and reach out to Abner to help co-labor with God in His love for these orphans and impoverished people. Abner is a young man, 20 years old, with no resources, yet God is doing mighty things with him.  We can all be a part of this mighty work

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